
Showing posts from April, 2008

Gnome away from home

I have been wanting to find some object, a stuffed animal or something of that nature that I can bring with me to different places that I travel to, so I can take pictures of it and send them to Emma. I thought it would be a fun idea to keep Emma and I connected while I am gone for a year. I am currently in Massachusetts at my last phase of Basic Non- Commissioned Officer Course. In the hours of spare time I have I took a trip to Barnes and Nobles, where I found Cedric the traveling Gnome. He even came complete with his own passport.

Allergies suck!

It seems that I have developed allergies . I have never had them before, but all of a sudden these huge flowering trees near my window at work bloomed and my head felt like it was going to explode. I seriously must have sneezed 20 times in a row. My nose was like a faucet and I went through a box and a half of tissues in three days. It started on Tuesday and I had such trouble breathing that I couldn't eat or sleep for two days. Today I am still congested but the sneezing has stopped, thank goodness. I think my sneezing attacks were getting on peoples nerves at work, lol .

My Senator Wrote me back

About a month ago I sent an email to one of my state's Senator's Joe Lieberman about the happenings with China and Tibet. I got an email back from him (or someone writing for him). Here's what he said. "Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent violent crackdown against Tibetan protesters by the Chinese government. In March 2008, Buddhist monks and other Tibetan civilians began demonstrations in Lhasa against the Chinese government, which has restricted the rights of Tibetans to practice their religion since invading and seizing control of this territory in 1949. In response to these demonstrations, the Chinese government initiated a violent crackdown, resulting in dozens of fatalities and the arrest of more than 1,000 protesters. It also severely restricted journalists' and diplomats' access to the region. Some have suggested that the United States should boycott the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing in response to the crackdown in Tibet. In the absen...

Happy Earth Day!

Today was Earth Day. I hope everyone did something good to help the Earth. Now if we can do those things every day and not just on Earth Day, that would be a great step. Today Emma and I went to the grocery store and used our reusable shopping bags. We also picked up litter that we saw lying on the ground and put it in the trash. Emma doesn't like litter bugs. We also turned our lights off for an hour. Today I also visited the We Can Solve It Website and I also signed the petition on their website for a global treaty on climate change. Go there to see how you can do your part to minimize your impact.

Anthrax shots suck!

On Friday we had a three mile road march with our IBA and Weapons. Luckily it wasn't timed and we didn't have to do it in formation. I am the second shortest person in the unit, so I have really small strides. It took me an hour and 20 minutes to finish. I just took my time. Normally on the PT test I walk 2.5 miles in 35 minutes. But I was in no rush to finish with a 17 pound vest and 8 pound weapon. To top off the day we got anthrax shots. It was my first one in a series on 6 shots. Let me tell you it feels like they are trying to kill me or something! The actual shot didn't hurt, I could barely feel the need go in. about 20 seconds after I got the shot my arm felt like it was on fire! That only lasted for about 2 minutes and then I was good to go, until yesterday. I looked at the spot where I got the shot and it is a huge bump and red spot there. It is also really sore. I swear I also felt like I had a rapid heart beat all day yesterday. I talked one of my other fr...

T-Mobile is planting a tree for me!

I got this email from T-Mobile the other day. Great idea T-Mobile! "Thanks from T-Mobile® — and trees everywhere — for being a Paperless Billing subscriber. By doing so, you're helping to save paper, and trees. What's next on your eco –friendly agenda? How about letting T-Mobile plant a tree for you? We've already come together to help the environment – let's do it again. Taking the next step has never been easier. Since you've already signed up for Paperless Billing, just a click or two will allow us to plant a tree on your behalf with the Arbor Day Foundation.* Your tree will be part of the Restoration Project, planted where it's needed most – in damaged regions like Southern California and New Orleans, where trees aren't growing back on their own. What do you say to helping us plant a tree? A simple yes could make a big difference." If you are a T-Mobile customer too, you should go sign up for paperless billing and they will plant a tree for yo...

Just want to go

These past two weeks I have been doing an enormous amount of training for deployment preparation. last week we spent the week in Fort Dix doing Weapon Qualification. We had to qualify the Regular range, NBC and Night Fire. We also got CCO Scopes installed on our weapons and had to qualify with those, instead of our iron sights. This is the first time our unit has ever used this site, so it took some getting used too. If you have no Clue what I am talking about you can click on M68 Close Combat Optical to Find out what it is. After not qualifying on my M16 on the first time ever in my military career, I had some wonderful training by a man that has his own private range. The next day I shot 30 out of 40 on the regular range, 15 out of 20 with my gas mask on and 28 out of 30 on the Night Fire Range. I also forgot to mention that we also fired with IBA and Sapi plates for the first time ever. I am actually glad that I didn't qualify the first go around because it gave me a ...


My wonderful cousin Stephanie left me a comment on one of my green posts that she went to buy reusable grocery bags and they were made in China. So of course I had to go check out the bags I had bought. I was so happy about buying them in the first place that I totally forgot to check where they were made when I was at the store. I open the trunk of my car to to check them out and they are made in China too!! I was so angry! I think I might try and return them. Thanks for the heads up cousin Stephanie.

Free Reusable shopping bag from Earthbound Farms

If you are all about the reusable shopping bags like me and want to win one for free. Earthbound Farms will send you one for free by going to this link ( Conservation Quiz ) and taking a conservation quiz. The questions about some of the articles on their website. The articles are great and you can get a free bag, whats better than that! Mine is on its way.


I found organic cotton shirts at the store for Emma today. Both have "green messages" on them. One has the picture of the earth with a sparkly pink crown on it and it says "Save the Earth, the moon doesn't have Princesses" and the other has a frog and says "Think Green" I also went to grocery store today for a few items and I picked up 5 of the reusable cloth bags that they sell. No more plastic bags for us.