We have entered the rainy season in the desert! About 3 or 4 days ago was the first rain that I have seen since we have been in Kuwait. Now when I say rain, its probably not what you are thinking, its more like sprinkles. I need sit outside and watch an awesome lightning storm in the distance the other day, it was beauitful. Last night I was laying in bed and it was actually hailing. It sounded like it was going to bust through our metal roof. When I got up this morning it seemed like rain, ahh. I normally hate rain back home! The things you grow to apperciate when you are stuck in the asshole of the earth. On another note my wonderful roommate, Amy, has returned from her R&R trip to Germany, so now I won't be lonely when i go home tonight! Very soon is my turn to go home and I can't wait. I am literally counting down the days (really I have each day numbered on my calendar)!