
Showing posts from February, 2008

Regulators!!! Mount up

This is the fun army training I was doing yesterday. There is me all geared up on top of a Humvee getting ready for a convoy. It was interesting and a change to the normal work day. But once again we are training for the desert in the snow! I started getting sick towards the end of the day and felt like crap! I had to do squad movement and do low crawls through the snow, but I was Alpha squad leader and attacked the offensive, even while feeling sick. All in a days work.

Lunar Eclipse

On February 20 th there was a lunar eclipse. I wanted and planned all day to watch it and take photos of the different stages of the Eclipse. I made it for the very beginning of it at 9 pm EST. Then I had to put my daughter to bed and I feel asleep with her so I didn't get to see the full eclipse :( . The first photo is one I took of the beginning . The picture below was taken by Richard Smith, I got it off of spaceweather .com

Emma with her new hat on

I got some great pictures of Emma in the hat I made her.

Military Schools are fun!............ NOT

For the past week I have been in Massachusetts doing Phase 2 of my NonCommisioned Officer BNCOC Course. And I just have to say I can't wait until its over! The school house is so disorganized and so is the course material. We are using Army Regulations that were changed years ago! Half the things we are learning to do, have changed. Come on people its not that hard to update the class. Going to Noncommisioned Officer courses are supposed to be about enhancing your skill level and we are learning old ways that haven't been used in years, so how is that supposed to make us any better at our jobs? Whatever it is a nice break from work. Plus I have been doing a lot of knitting in class, because half the time we sit here for hours at a time and do nothing. Not to mention that fact that it has been snowing for the past 4 days and it is cold as all hell. I have seen more snow here in the past 4 days then I have seen all winter at my house. I have managed to make a scraf, baby booties ...

My first knitted scarf

So I finished this scarf over 4 days of classes (I am at Basic Non Commisioned Officer School). it took me about a total of five hours. Half the time we sit around doing nothing, so I decided to bring my knitting with me. I am glad I did because I am going to be able to get a lot of projects done.
My daughter is cutier then anyone i know. I miss her.

Pajama Day

For the past month my daughter's preschool class has been learning about hibernation, migration and adaptation in animals in the winter time. To end the month, today they got to wear their pajamas and slippers to school and bring their sleeping bags in. Her class did the same thing last year and she was kind of upset that she didn't have a sleeping bag to bring in. She has been asking me for the past year for a sleeping bag and she finally got a Disney Princess sleeping bag for Christmas this year. Emma had a very exciting day and said that she would like to wear her pajama's to school everyday! Here is a picture I took when she first got to school.