Military Schools are fun!............ NOT

For the past week I have been in Massachusetts doing Phase 2 of my NonCommisioned Officer BNCOC Course. And I just have to say I can't wait until its over! The school house is so disorganized and so is the course material. We are using Army Regulations that were changed years ago! Half the things we are learning to do, have changed. Come on people its not that hard to update the class. Going to Noncommisioned Officer courses are supposed to be about enhancing your skill level and we are learning old ways that haven't been used in years, so how is that supposed to make us any better at our jobs? Whatever it is a nice break from work. Plus I have been doing a lot of knitting in class, because half the time we sit here for hours at a time and do nothing. Not to mention that fact that it has been snowing for the past 4 days and it is cold as all hell. I have seen more snow here in the past 4 days then I have seen all winter at my house.

I have managed to make a scraf, baby booties and a baby hat in the 6 days I am here. I also started on the second set of baby booties today and will probably have them done by tomorrow night. I have included some pictures of the projects I have done so far.


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