I'm finally home!!

So I got to come back to the states a week earlier then the rest of the unit because I was in charge of making sure that all the mobilization Adminstrative part was all set and run smoothly (and trust me there was a lot to be done). We got 150 people through Fort Dix and demobilzation in 4 days when it normally take a week or more for less people then that. We arrived home on mother's day. What a great Mother's Day gift to see my little girl! It's good to be home but weird to. I'm used to having people around me ALL the time and now it's just me in the house. I have the next 3 months off to spend every day with Emma once school gets out and to do much knitting and spinning. I got a brand new spinning wheel that was waiting for me when I arrived that I need to learn how to use! I also had a lots of fiber that I ordered waiting for me. Prefect to practice on the new wheel with (like I don't have enough already).

And the a wonderful friend from Ravelry Melissa (bananamigraine) sent me this package so it would be waiting at home for me!! She is so super sweet and I love the fiber.

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