May Phatfiber Samples
I am trying to get back in the swing of things to contribute to Phatfiber sample boxes on a regular basis. I was able to get 59 Samples of stitch markers, hand spun yarn and my first hand pulled roving fiber in to the May box. I am not sure if I will have time to contribute to the June box or not, but there are special ideas in the works for the July Box! Here are the samples of fiber that I sent in for May. They can also now be purchased in my Etsy Shop, Princess Emma's . I blended different fibers including: merino, mulberry silk, bamboo, angora, mohair, mohair locks, angora mohair locks and firestar on my homemade fiber hackled. I then Pulled the fiber into mini roving buns using a diz to get this super luxe, chunky, funky fibers. I am really please how they turned out and I hope people enjoy them! I just need to find the time to make more now!