Ballroom Dance Channel Social Website

If you are interested in ballroom dancing or are a fan of Dancing with the Stars, then there is a great site out there for you. One of the founder's of the site is Tony Donvaloni who was the professional partner of Jane Seymour on the latest Dancing with the Stars Show. Similar to myspace or facebook, you can create a profile and add friends. The great thing about this site though is that there are different groups you can join and talk to other people about any topic of ballroom dancing. Tony and Maksim (also seen on Dancing with the Stars) post video's called "Dance Talk". They talk about different subjects in ballroom dancing and about their experiences as professional dancers.

There are several other professional dancers that endorse the site including; Paul Barris, Hilary Fleming, elena, Grinenko, Snejana Urbin and Ysenia Adame.

If yiu are interested in Ballroom dancing you should think about signing up for this site by going to

Find more videos like this on Ballroom Dance Channel Social


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