I just fired the M249 Saw
Today I am actually doing some real Army training, instead of sitting in the office doing administration stuff. As part of our training for deployment we have to fire several different weapons systems. I normally only fire the M16A2. But when we are deployed we have to be prepared for any situations, such as convoys and what not. I just fired the M249 (also known as the Saw) for the first time in my life. I have a lot of respect for infantry guys that have to fire those all the time. My body hurts! It doesn't help that I am only about five feet tall! My arms are to short To reach the charging handle comfortable, so every time I had to charge it, I would get this tingly feeling in my arm. It is very exciting to be behind an automatic weapon and just let loose. But I don't think this will be my assigned weapon, I just made the minimum you need to qualify of 35 hits.