The New Year

This year has started out sort of blah so far. On 2 January, I returned to work after having 11 days off for the holiday. I was sick for 9 out of those 11 days, so I was getting used to sleeping in as late as I wanted 9, 10 or 11 even one day. So I found it hard to get myself at of bed at 6 am for work. Once at work, there was no slowing down, back into a full swing of pre-deployment stuff. Our Mobilization order came out and they are saying we need to bring more people now then we have currently scheduled to go. Looks like some one's New Year isn't going to start out great.

I found out I have to go to another school before we leave the country too. I am already scheduled to be be traveling to 3 different places in 3 months, this makes 4 in 4 months. Starting February I am going to be gone for two weeks at a time and only home for 5 -7 days in between those trips. Then as soon as I get back from the last trip, it is off to Mob station. I don't know how I am going to squeeze seeing the family in there before I go. So basically I have this month free and then I'm pretty much incognito for a year and a half.

The thought of it is stressing me out. I am tired but I can't fall asleep. I am normally in bed by 9 and it is now 11:30. Way past my bed time if you know me. And I probably won't be able to get out of bed again tomorrow. Good thing it is my day to bring Emma to school so I get to go in to work late.


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