A Dress I made

SO as some of you know, I was taking ballroom dancing lessons over the summer at Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Mystic. I was planning on doing one of the competitions and I was searching the Internet for Latin ballroom costumes. I saw a ton that I like, but even used any of the decent ones were $500 to $1200 or more. So I decided to attempt to make one on my own. I looked at several different styles of Latin dresses that I liked and decide to use certain elements from each to make my own dress. I didn't end up doing the competition dies to scheduling conflicts and the cost to enter was like $800 or more! The dress is for the most part finish, excepted I need to put more swarovski crystals on the bodice (it is a very time consuming process). I wanted to share the pictures anyway because I am very proud of it. Let me know what you think about it.


Anonymous said…
The dress is absolutely gorgeous. You did a very good job, I love it!

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