Gnome Goes to South West Asia

More adventures in the travels of Cedric the Gnome........... He took a 16 hour trip with me on the way to the Middle East. Here is Cedric getting comfy on the plane, for the first 8 hour leg on the trip.

We stopped in Germany, but Cedric was still passed out so he didn't come in to the airport with us. But we got some interesting pictures inside the airport. The first in the toilet with a huge push button to flush it.

We've arrived at our destination! Amy and I were well rested from the ride! Chaser and Cedric decide to come out and enjoy some sun, sand and hajee water!


sarah jerger said…
Hi Shannon! I love that you've taken the gnome with you! So cute. Hope all is well in your deployment journeys. Safe travels. And, safe home. :-)
Anonymous said…
nice girl,and work hard for a girl! bye, from sud Italy

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