How I made my daughter a weeping angel costume

My ten year old daughter has been in love with everything Dr. Who for the past year.  So naturally she wanted to be a character from the show for Halloween.  Of course she had  to pick a costume that no one makes.  I take that back I found two on Etsy for $300 in adult sizes.  Yeah that wasn't happening. But I'm crafty so I had to figure out a way to put this costume together.  
The Mask       
Luckily I was able to find one weeping angel mask on amazon for $15, so I bought that and spray painted it grey to match the rest of the costume.                               
The Wings
I found some wings that weren't like the normal feathery wings and spray painted those with gray spray on the front and back of the wings.

The Dress
For the dress I bought a geek goddess dress cut off the sash and spray painted it with gray spray paint. I originally tried to dye the dress with rite fabric dye but it didn't take the dye good enough so I ended up spray painting it instead.

And finally the finished product!! 

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