Cousins Night!

I had to have a get together with the 3 girl cousins of course! We had dinner at Margarita's ( I had veggie fajitas!) and then drinks and games at Meghan's house. I drank almost an entire bottle of Pinot Grigio! I love hanging out with these girls because they are so silly!

Meghan and Stephanie at Margaritas

No wine bottle opener! Whatever shall we do!?!?

A swiss Army Knife will have to do (I actually ended up getting the cork out)

First a Game of Taboo, it was my first time playing this game. The sad thing is that I Jared and I got it for a Christmas Present like 5 years ago and it was been sitting in the closet unopened ever since!

Now on to a game of dirty scrabble. We had to use dirty words, or explain how the words related to something dirty.


Anonymous said…
I loosened the cork for you!!!!
i miss you already, can't wait till you come home for good and we can cousin night in again. Love you!

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