Christmas Eve & Christmas

Christmas Eve we spent with Bobby's family. There was lots of yummy food and LOTS of presents. Bobby's mom bought Emma the cutest ensemble to wear that night and Little Ray and RJ had suits! To cute!

Emma was so excited to get the Wii that she had been asking for!

Then later on, Santa came on a fire truck and brought all the kids presents.

After the festivities at the Manfield's, Emma and I went and slept over my mom's house. I didn't have a tree at my place because I was in the process of moving right after Christmas.

Normally every year I have to wake Emma up to open present at about 8:30 am. This year she woke up so early at like 6am!!

Unfortunately I had to drop Emma off at her dads at 11 :(. Then my mom and I cooked a great meal of Ham, roasted chicken, twice baked potatoes and other yummies. Kellie made her first cheese cake the night before, which was really yummy too. it was really nice to get to spend Christmas with family and people I love this year instead of being in the desert like last christmas!

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