Blog Challenge Day 7: My Dream Job

If I could do any job in the world and not worry about how much I got paid, I would own a yarn store.  That is my dream job.  It wouldn’t be just any old yarn store though.  I would carry yarns and other things that you can’t get at the chain craft stores.  I would carry indie yarns and fibers, handspun yarns, knitting accessories, notions and so forth.  I would also spin and hand dye yarn and knit a lot! I love knitting and the fiber arts and I would love to have a cool place where people could come and find one of a kind quality items to spin and spin with.  No crappy acrylic yarn here!  Well that is my dream job that will probably never come true because I have crappy credit.  Oh well, I guess that’s why it’s called a ‘dream’ job.


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