Home made Salsa

I have been on a canning kick lately. The other day I decided I wanted to make salsa because I love fresh salsa.  I wanted a salsa that isn't super chunky so I ended up buying a food processor to get the consistency that I wanted. Overall I think it came out good, I just would have put more garlic in there because I love garlic. Below is the recipe I used:

8 Organic Roma Tomatoes chopped
1/2 Jalapeno Pepper chopped
1/2 Red long skinny pepper (I forgot the name) chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic minced
juice of 1 lime
1 Tbsp. Honey
Cumin Spice (to taste)
Red pepper spice (to taste)

I added all the ingredients to my food processor and blended until I got the consistency that I wanted.  You can use any variety of hot pepper that you want.  I put the salsa in a mason jar and let it sit in the fridge overnight to let all the juices soak together.  If you don't plan on eating your salsa right away make use that you seal your mason jar using the warm bath method or a pressure canner.  Enjoy!


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