Right now I am sitting in the emergency room. I had extremely terrible pain in my right side of my stomach that wrapped around my side into my lower back. I usually have a very high pain tolerance, but this was comparable to the contractors I felt during child birth. I couldn't bend over, sit down or lay down. My right leg also went numb. The doctor said I probably have kidney stones, because there was a lot of blood in my urine. Now I am waiting to get a cat scan. They also want to check and make sure its not my appendix. I included a picture of my iv, it took two nurses and 3 needles to finally get a vein, so I am kind of proud of it. I will update what the final diagnosis is after the cat scan.
Later - So it is official I have kidney stones. They said the kidney was inflamed but they didn't see any stones, because I was probably passing them when I was having the pain, or they moved out of the kidney. Luckily they gave me a prescription for Perkiest, which helps very well and I am not in any pain at the moment. Thank goodness. Before I went to the emergency room, I was crying and moaning in pain and my daughter was crying. At the time I couldn't tell why she was crying. So after I was all settled and in less pain I asked her why she was crying and she said "I don't want you to die." Kids are a lot smarter then we think. I love my girl