Well hello there

Wow I didn't realize how long it's been since I last updated this blog. A lot of has been going on in life. I'm getting ready to retire from the Army in a few short weeks. And then I will be doing nothing until I start cosmetology school in the middle of July. I will being going to Paul Mitchell School in North Haven for the next 11 months full time. I also started two college classes online 3 weeks ago just for fun and for something to do when I'm bored and not working. I'm taking a Buddhism class (I'm Buddhist so it's fun and I know most of the stuff) and a Hinduism class. It's weird for the first time I have my homework done early and am not waiting until the last minute before it's due. 

I have finished a few knitting projects since I last posted. Most recently was a second Frisson shawl designed by an awesome designer and friend Brittany Wilson. I knit it in a yummy silk blend yarn by Handmaiden Yarns called mini maiden. You can download the pattern on ravelry.com 


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